5 Simple Daily Activities To Improve Your Health

Group of friends running along the beach

Getting some sort of daily physical activity is one of the secrets to feeling and looking the best you possibly can. Walking is a simple and highly effective activity that can cause positive dramatic transformations in your health. Walking regularly not only reduces body fat and keeps your heart in healthy shape, but it also significantly reduces stress.

Simply taking a half hour walk after dinner every night can have profound effects on your health. It can increase circulation and cell oxygenation, aid in losing weight, and let any accumulated stress dissipate into nature.

Besides walking, here are five more subtle activities that can have amazing benefits if done daily:  

  1. Gardening – even for just 20 minutes a day can be beneficial. Gardening also helps you to sustain your own homegrown, all natural foods.
  2. Dancing to your favourite song while cleaning the house, washing dishes, or doing the laundry. It is a fun way to burn some extra calories and also work on your self-expression at the same time.
  3. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is priceless. You will burn calories effortlessly while lessening the environmental impact of using the elevator.
  4. Riding a bicycle to run close errands instead of driving because it combines exercise with doing chores, while lessening my carbon footprint.
  5. Deliberately parking further away in a car park can be a lot harder than it seems. It can be so convenient to take the first empty spot. In doing this though, you are forced to walk further to get to the store, which will burn a few extra calories.


All of the above activities (with the exception of riding a bike) are pretty subtle. It is however, more sustainable to start with a little subtle movement every day than it is to go right into rigorous exercise. By listening to your body, you can eventually and gradually transition to more strenuous activities. Mixing exercise with your regular daily routine is not only easy to do, but it also makes it more fun. It gives you the opportunity to be creative and come up with your own simple workouts.

Get Healthy, Get Happy – 3 Simple Tips You Can Start Doing Today!

The body’s ability to naturally detoxify and heal itself is a phenomenal process. Why not give your body a gentle helping hand, to improve this amazing purifying process and help you get HEALTHY and get HAPPY!

Here are 3 really simple tips that you can try and incorporate into every day! 


  1. Drink More Water  

Too often we misinterpret thirst for hunger. Our signal for thirst may cause us to eat as we mistake it for hunger pains. Reach for water first and make sure you are well hydrated before eating any meal throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner included. 

Where possible make sure to drink your water at least 30 minutes before eating as this will allow time for the water to properly penetrate the cells of your body and hydrate your stomach lining in preparation for proper digestion. 


  1. Add A Green Juice To Your Day

Green juices are an amazing way to add life giving and detoxifying plant chlorophyll to your bloodstream. Juicing is the ultimate fast food, it is a 15 minute nutrient express to health”.  Either make your own juice using your favourite greens (try spinach, kale, cucumber, celery and green apple) or pop down to your local Raw Energy store!


  1. Breathe Deep Into Your Abdomen 

Deep breathing, where you fill your belly and expand your diaphragm downwards, is one of the most powerful exercises you can do to activate your lymph system, which helps to detoxify your body. Think of your lymph system as your own personal garbage removal system.

Practice 10 deep slow breaths counting 4 seconds in, 8 seconds hold and 8 seconds out. You can do this exercise watching the TV, walking the dog, during meditation or whilst practicing yoga.