5 reasons to refresh your morning with a cold shower - Raw Energy Cafes Skip to content

5 reasons to refresh your morning with a cold shower

Man having a cold shower outside

Is it time to revamp your morning routine with the recent change of season? Starting your day with a cold shower might be just what you need!

Chances are, you would have heard of the Wim Hof Method. Wim Hof is an extreme athlete, a motivational speaker and is commonly known as The Iceman because of his ability to withstand extremely low temperatures. He is also the founder of The Wim Hof Method which is about reconnecting with ourselves, with others and with nature. The method is based on 3 pillars including breathing, cold therapy & commitment.

It’s suggested that you can reap a stack of benefits by taking a cold shower each morning.

These might include:

Enhanced Recovery

Taking a cold shower is an excellent way to help with recovery after exercise or injury because it reduces inflammation, pain and muscle soreness. Feeling cold also makes blood vessels contract and numbs nerve endings – preventing swelling, bruising and pain – which is why ice packs are commonly used for injuries.

woman showing at sauna

Boost Circulation & Alertness

Diet and exercise are the most important factors in good cardiovascular circulation, however cold showers have been shown to stimulate the blood flow in veins closest to your skin, leading to increased oxygen intake. Increased circulation leads to a higher oxygen requirement in the body and brain, which means you’ll start breathing deeply. Improved circulation means better heart health and mental performance. An oxygenated brain is an awake brain!

Increased Beauty

While taking a cold shower can be invigorating and refreshing, it also has many benefits for your skin and hair. The cold water will help your body produce more collagen, which is the protein that keeps your skin looking young and fresh. It also helps with the appearance of complexion by reducing inflammation, shrinking pores, and tightening the skin. The improved blood circulation from the cold water has even been said to help with acne if you have oily or acne-prone skin.

Hairdressers also recommend washing hair in cooler water to help protect the integrity and the appearance of hair cuticles. This is because it closes the hair cuticle, which makes hair look smoother and shinier.

Woman showering outdoors

Reduced Stress & Anxiety

Exposure to cold water imposes a small amount of stress on the body, which leads to a process called hardening. This means that your nervous system gradually gets used to handling moderate levels of stress and will react less each time you are exposed. It has also been proven that people who take cold showers produce increased levels of serotonin, which reduces stress and anxiety. This leads to improved mood by releasing feel-good endorphins!

Strengthened Willpower

A cold shower can help with strengthening willpower, improving focus and building discipline because it’s a challenge. It forces us to keep going despite the discomfort.
If you’re keen to give it a go, start out by having your normal shower first and incorporate the cold water in the last 30 seconds. Gradually progress from there by adding an additional 30 secs to each shower every week. You can thank us later!